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Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Bill Ayers Faces Protesters on College Campus

This is a symbolic victory at worst and a tangible one at best. The success of Weather Underground founder Bill Ayers has been attributable to apathy on the part of Americans as much as anything else. He is a man who committed acts of terrorism and advocated the death of 25 million people if you believe the testimony of the only man to infiltrate the Weather Underground - Larry Grathwohl.

Obama's affiliation with Ayers should have wrecked his campaign; it did not in large part because of public apathy and a deceptive media.

When we see increased protests of Bill Ayers, it will be a very good sign that the public is waking up to who he really is.

Via Augusta Chronicle.
STATESBORO, Ga. - William Ayers, a 1960s-era radical who drew attention during the 2008 presidential campaign because he once served on a charity board with Barack Obama, spoke about freedom of speech and education reform to a group that included members of an organization protesting his appearance.

Ayers, a former University of Illinois professor, spoke Monday night at Georgia Southern University. He said academic freedom is needed so that unconventional ideas can be heard.

Members of a group called the Sons of Liberty turned up to protest, then went inside to listen after being told they could not conduct a demonstration on campus because they had not registered in advance.
h/t to Barrackaid #34. Though this protest could be a flash in the pan, Bill Ayers once wrote a book entitled 'Prairie Fire,' which was a reference to an old Maoist saying about only needing a spark to start one.

Same applies with exposing Bill Ayers. Here is Grathwohl discussing his time with the Weather Underground for a 1982 film.

Was Mubarak Counted Out Too Soon?

When the uprising in Egypt began and even grew, it appeared that Hosni Mubarak's days were beyond being numbered but as the days where on, the protesters appear to be tiring and thinning out. One of the reasons for it could be what's at the essence of the failings of socialism; the lack of pragmatism. As the people rioted, businesses and stores shut down. Food became scarce as did the ability to pay for it. The Mubarak regime may just be getting a second wind.

Via The Independent:
After thirty unbroken years as President of Egypt, it had seemed as if Hosni Mubarak's charmed career was finally coming to an end.

But yesterday, Cairo's famous traffic jams were back. Businesses, shops, and banks were open across the capital. Barack Obama spoke of the "progress" the Egyptian government was making towards reform. And though still in tens of thousands, the numbers at Tahrir Square were probably down on the previous day.

Meanwhile, Mr Mubarak, the great survivor, was using all the guile that has kept him in power for so long to produce a series of sweeteners – including a 15 per cent pay rise for state employees – to widen his public support. He even held the first meeting of his new cabinet: the group he had hastily cobbled together as another means of staving off the end. His regime was doing everything in its power to suggest that things were calm once more. In another symbolically conciliatory move, the regime released Wael Ghonim, a local marketing manager for Google, who is a prominent youth activist involved in the protests and was detained three days after they began.
This is not to suggest that Mubarak is back in the cat bird seat, merely that future control of Egypt still hangs in the balance and is not a foregone conclusion.
...the increasing signs of normality in parts of Cairo yesterday belied a continuing stalemate between the two sides in the fortnight-old conflict. Even as the regime tried to suggest that it was back to business at usual, the protesters who remain in Tahrir Square angrily argued otherwise.

There may have been fewer of them than the day before, but they showed no sign of backing down, with the vocal rejection of the regime's insinuations of growing agreement on constitutional reform only the most obvious sign of their determination to carry on. The protesters are deterred from ending the struggle in Tahrir Square by a real fear of arrest, victimisation and revenge by the authorities if they give up.
If this uprising fizzles out, the Muslim Brotherhood that is backing it will not go away. It will take notes and reconstitute. One of the scenarios that could be playing out is that the protesters are not being sustained by the Brotherhood and lacked the planning necessary to see this thing through.

These protesters, at the moment, are looking like the proverbial toddler who is running out of gas after throwing a tantrum.

If Mubarak does in fact hold on to power, the Obama administration will be in a tough spot after all but demanding he step down while backing a transition to the Brotherhood. Whether Obama was picking winners and losers in the fight for Egypt or if he sides with the Muslim Brotherhood ideologically is immaterial. He may have thrown Mubarak under the bus a little too early.

h/t Hot Air

Video: Obama Treats Chamber of Commerce Like Joe the Plumber

This one goes out to everyone who is having buyer's remorse about voting for Obama despite his 'Joe the Plumber' moment on the 2008 campaign trail when he said, 'When you spread the wealth around, it's good for everybody.' We conservatives couldn't believe that moment wasn't enough to wreck his campaign. The Kool-Aid was just too sweet. Here we are, little more than two years later and president Obama delivers the same line. What's different is he's directing it toward business leaders as practically an informal mandate while unemployment continues to climb.

If you're a business leader and Obama tells you it's your responsibility to share your profits with your employees, what would you do? Probably hire less employees. Profit sharing isn't a bad idea but it's a decision Obama has no business getting involved in. Again, the free market should be allowed to dictate the who and the how much. Mandating businesses share their profits with employees stifles the innovation and job growth Obama claims to want to stimulate because there's less money to invest in such things; it also ignores the benefits of meritocracy.

Via Freedom's Lighthouse

Now for a very relevant follow-up video. Far left socialist Howard Dean appeared on MSNBC with far left socialist Lawrence O'Donnell to discuss Obama's interview with Bill O'Reilly one day prior. The clip played was Obama's denial to O'Reilly that he advocates wealth re-distribution (see Chamber of Commerce video above). Then Dean actually says that it IS government's job to re-distribute wealth and that it's not a question of 'if' but of 'how much.'

Via Weasel Zippers

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